Iron Man Holds Up

Tonight, I watched Iron Man for the first time in a long time.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

It’s time. I finally moved this blog to some place that is a better example of who I am today than who I was in 2004 when I started it.

My Phone is Boring

I love my iPhone. I do. It’s a thing that keeps me in touch with people, gives me cool stuff to look at when I’m standing in line, or more likely sitting on the toilet.


A few weeks ago, I decided to significantly reduce my time on social media.

The Final Frontier

I am living through the next great era of spaceflight.

You Are My Friend

Mr. Rogers is a national treasure. To a lot of folks he may have just been a weird, quiet, old guy in a sweater who wanted to teach your kids about feelings.

Six Pounds

I did it! I stepped on the scale yesterday and I’m down six pounds in a week.

Eat Right

Over the past week, Stephanie and I have both rededicated ourselves to eating better.

That Was Him

Yep. That was indeed Dave Gardner yesterday. He’s apparently working for Squanch Games now.

Grim Fandango - Part 1

I started the Grim Fandango stream last night! I forgot how much I really loved this game.