You know, if people really acted like they do on 7th Heaven then everyone would be mad at each other all the time.


These tests always somehow manage to exactly show my personality…its creepy.


Found this picture on Vanamonium’s blog. It got me laughing!

all my dreams come true

Man, It looks like Sam Raimi is resurrecting The Evil Dead one more time.

today was a good day

Man I tell you what, I have had one fine day!

yep...i thought so

Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?

everyone should see this

Everybody should read this thing because it had me cracking up!

Halo 2 and groovy blog stuff

Man I had some fun yesterday buddy! I finally got to play some online Halo 2!

i am amazed

50,000 word story and no e’s…..thats just ridiculous http://www.spinelessbooks.com/gadsby/index.html

web hosting

I need somewhere to store some files so people can download them.