I stumbled across this really fun page today while browsing ScopeTech’s message boards.
Some scientists have found out how to make normal non-magnetic objects float!
Wow, I’m thrilled right now to say that my internet is capable of VoIP!
Here’s something that everyone can enjoy! I mean, honestly, who doesn’t like to burn stuff?
I have come to the point where I can safely admit to myself that I am a crappy review writer.
This is Awesome! Somebody has managed to find out the specs for the Xbox 360 and they are ridiculous!
I finally went to the AMC Theatre today to pick up my tickets for Episode III.
Episode 4 of This Week In Tech is now up and running!
So I’ve been trying this VoIP service called Skype for a little while now, and though the software is simple and the clarity is great, I’m all sad because I can’t use it.
HA! The fools that thought they could rip off Pear PC are now stopping development.