3 Hours to Go!

Star Wars!

Today is the Day

Today is finally Star Wars day! Tonight at midnight I shall be sitting in a theatre with 3 of my closest friends and watching the fall of Anakin Skywalker.

The Definition

According to the New Oxford American Dictionary 2nd Edition, this is the definition of a Blog.


Bubble Wrap is awesome! Go have fun! It brings back wonderful memories.

The Shed

I have officially finished my first screenplay! Woohoo! It’s a horror movie and it’s freakin’ awesome!

Linux is beautiful

Just want to clarify real quick that I had some misinformation in my post about the Xbox 360 earlier today.

Xbox 360 report pt. 2

Listen to this second

Xbox 360 report pt. 1

listen to this one first

No sir, I don't like it

Well I’ve been trying all day to get my new Google search bar to work with this site but it just ain’t happenin’.