
I was really hoping to get my Moonlander keyboard today. UPS told me it would be here, only to let me down as the day dragged on.

The Squeeze

This pandemic has been rough on everyone. We’ve been in it for nearly a year and I’ve been one of those people thtat has tried to do what’s right and not go out and spread my germs around to everyone.

Fresh Air

Welp, I did it. I finally decided to pick up a new laptop.


I’m a big fan of dialects. I love the way people sound and how they sound different.

Actors on Actors

Variety’s Actors on Actors series is pretty great. I listen to them while I’m doing work and it’s a lot like a podcast.

The Podman Quest

Okay, ya’ll. I have been watching a LOT of programming streams on Twitch and there is one theme that seems to be pretty constant between all of them: Docker is the thing.


I have spent the last couple days still day dreaming a bit on what to do with this blog and trying to get it to a pretty suitable replacement for Wordpress.

Short posts

I should post more short stuff. Like random thoughts and junk.

We Done Moved!

It was a whirlwind of a day, but I’ve officially moved my blog over to a static website.

Saturday Hackfest

It’s probably obvious to most people who follow any of the content I make, that I’ve been spending most weekends at home doing projects and otherwise NOT GOING FLIPPIN’ ANYWHERE for most of 2020.