Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Banner!

Ashley, my ever so awesome co-host, made the banner below this weekend!

Turkey and Ham

I can’t believe I missed an entire month of blogging :(.

H&H LIVE! 10/26 at 8pm!

Hey everybody! As most of you know, I do a show with my future sister-in-law Ashley every friday night called Horseshoes & Hand Grenades.

Stupid People Bug Me

So an interesting little tidbit popped up in the news the other day and has forced the crazy folk out into the wild again with their stupid theories and ridiculous assumptions.


Man, I need to do a much better job of keeping this blog up-to-date with the goings on in my life.


I’m having a hard time waiting on these people from Morgantown to call me.

Even If It Kills Me

I’ve been doing a whole lot of stuff the last couple weeks, and I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere.

The Quest

I feel that I am about to embark on a ridiculously long journey to an unknown land.

Prophetic Dream

I had this crazy prophetic dream last night. You know those dreams where you’re in the future and you get to see all the things that might happen to you.

Post Secret

I remember a few years ago when I stumbled upon this site and thought to myself, “What an awesome idea!