
I’m just going to come right out and say it:

Morality Games

My big addiction for the past few days has been a wonderful little Xbox 360 game called “Dragon Age: Origins.

Tony Horton is Evil

For those of you scratching your noggins over who the heck I’m talking about, he is the evil mastermind for the P90X program.

Who Dat?!

Today was Super Bowl XLIV. That’s Super Bowl 44 for those not so “up” on the old school Roman numerals.

Internet Junk

I’ve pretty much spent this entire day poking around on the internet trying to get into whatever it is one can get into on the internet.

Save the Date!

Today has been a whole lot less eventful than I expected.

Sound Effect Madness!

Tonight was H&H night for me, and I have to say that it went swimmingly!

What the Crap!?

I haven’t posted since October!? What in the world is wrong with me!

Hangin' In Nawlins - Part 3

So it’s been a couple weeks since we actually returned from Nawlins, but I wanted to at least post a little about our trip because we had so much fun!

Hangin' in Nawlins Part 2

Here I am to continue my story from yesterday. I’m sure I’ll eventually get to the part where we hang out in Nawlins and I tell you what we did, but for now we’ll just finish up the trip on the airplane.