This weekend has been really good for me so far! I’ve been able to do some pretty fun things and at least one “first” for me.
Today, Stephanie and I finally got a chance to go on a bit of a date.
I finally picked up the second book in Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy.
Today was an absolutely fantastic day! I’m super tired, mentally exhausted, and I’m having trouble putting sentences together, but that is all because I’m just running low on sleep.
I’ve been getting up at 6:00am every morning this week in an attempt to give myself more time to eat a solid breakfast, read a bit of the Bible, and just have a more leisurely morning in general.
I have been thinking about a laptop to purchase for at least the past six months.
I’m surrounded by bass on all sides. Not bass like the fish; bass like the sound.
For the first time in years, I am below 200 pounds!
Well, it looks like if I can survive the weekend I have made it through the first ninety days of my new job!
Tonight was the epic return of Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. We rode into the internet on tigers and showed the world what real fun felt like.