final draft
man, things have not been too interesting over the weekend. But thats okay! Because I’ve just been hanging around enjoying the time off. I finally got around to adapting one of Lando’s stories into a movie and its going pretty good right now. I’ve only got about 5 pages but I think I have a good premise. It’s a 1930’s film-noir kind of movie. I don’t know when we’re gonna do it, but I think it could be a really cool film. It’s just gonna be a short 20 to 30 minute movie depending on what we keep and throw out. I think I want to be black and white so it has that old movie feel to it. I’m gonna use final cut to edit it, but I’ve never used it before. I just figured it would give me more room to work than iMovie did. iMovie is great for movies that involve LIFE, hence why it’s included in iLife ‘05, but its just not great for actually trying to make a short indie film. I can’t wait to get started man. If we ever get the chance to make it and it turns out good, I’ll probably post a downloadable version of it on this blog. It’s gonna be a long while though, seeing as me and lando live in different states. We’ll just see how it goes! later!