Mon, Jan 3, 2005 2-minute read

I’m trying out this email post thing that blogger has because the website moves WAY too slow, especially on my internet at home.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of posts over these lasts few days. Well nevermind, I’m not sorry. I’ve been crazy happy because Stephanie’s been down here and we’ve been having a blast. I’m on a desperate search for some fabric because me, Lando, and Stephanie are all dressing up for the Star Wars Episode III premiere in May. Yes, I know its nerdy and completely juvenile but who cares!! Its freakin’ Star Wars Man! So yeah, I’m gonna be a jedi and I need some brown Flannel. The real Robes are made of Wool but thats really hot so flannel is my next best bet

So we’ve been having an awesome time. I’ve taken her to eat at a bunch of places because that’s about all there is to do down here sometimes, especially this time of year. We ate at this Mexican restaurant in Blountstown called El Jalisco. It’s all crazy because its the one place that you can eat 3 tacos and not get indigestion! I don’t know what it is about there food but it doesn’t leave a nasty taste in your mouth or anything. Its soooo very good.

We’ve ridden horses, went to the state gardens, and watched most of the Star Wars original trilogy on DVD. The quality on them is amazing and I am officially over the whole “George Lucas ruins everything” deal. They are still awesome movies. I swear it looks like they were filmed yesterday. Its awesome. I haven’t had a chance to watch my Clerks 10th Anniversary addition but I will at some point! I love Kevin Smith.

I guess that’s all I have to say about that. Stephanie leaves in two days…I’m sad. But thats okay!! You guys be cool!

UPDATE: This blasted email thing didn’t work so I had to post this through Blogger’s site. If a copy of this post shows up later, then it worked….with a really long delay.